8:36 p.m. 2004-02-15
The Bitch says: and so it goes

I'm not sure why I opened this box cuz I really don't have much to say. D. is having his usual crappy day. Doing the walker thing today so.......you know it's bad cuz he would never use that walker. He has a doctor appt. on the 26th and I'm going. My friend, Feliciti, who's a PT tech, talked to a few of the therapists at work....and was telling us what he needs to get checked out just to rule it out....like Parkingson's and MS...stuff like that. It really just a rule out process....but, then we can scratch those things off the list. I'm watching his symptoms and I see a possibly some pressure on either the spinal cord or nerve near there. Which means she needs to refer him to a neurologist. We will see.
But, when I don't post it's because I am buried under the homework and making sure my son is taken care of.

That said.....

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