6:21 p.m. 2003-11-21
The Bitch says: it's Friday....tomorrow

Suprise, Suprise. I'm gonna do the Friday Five!! That's because I don't have a damm thing to post about.....LOL.
1. List five things you'd like to accomplish by the end of the year.

1. find a medicine that kills migraines without zoning me out.

2. organize my house better.

3. get some kind of a life beyond work and school

4. help my son battle his demons

5. work weekends only so maybe I could have a life beyond work and school.

2. List five people you've lost contact with that you'd like to hear from again.

Just my mom, grandmother, and ex's mother. Unfortunately they are all dead not.

3. List five things you'd like to learn how to do.

1. intermediate algebra

2. speak spanish

3. hand code all my web sites

4. organize my time

5. de-stress

4. List five things you'd do if you won the lottery (no limit).

1. buy a house for myself.

2. find a place to have that house that I really like.

3. donate lots of stuff to the patients I have who have no family.

4. set up trust funds for my grandkids

5. donate to Su Casa......a place for abused kids.

5. List five things you do that help you relax.

1. Soma

2. 200 mg amitriptyline

3. vicodin 5/500

4. meditation

5. watching a good movie

And, now....the new drill.....

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