7:37 p.m. 2003-11-22
The Bitch says: Pervert

I have been very good. I have not said they should cut Michael Jackson's dick off......not yet. When all of this first happened a few years ago he managed to stay out of jail because of his money. When he held his baby out the window over the balconey and it was shown on nationwide TV several times he managed to keep custody of his kids. He did an interview on nationwide TV and talked about giving and feeling the love when he filled his bed with little boys and no one did anything. Now, when he turns himself in he has the fastest booking and release in history......45 min.....they said cuz he had the money for his bail with him. And, he still has his kids. I know that I don't know all about the health and welfare dept and how they run their business but, when my son was 1 and 1/2 his cousin hit him in the head with a toy while I was at work. I came home, took him to the hospital and they refused to release him for 2 or 3 days until they investigated possible child abuse. I guess if I look like a freak, change my color(for whatever reason, dude, get some darker makeup), and make millions of dollars I could hang my kids over the street, sleep with little kids, just be generally strange and it would be ok.
My hope is for him to go to jail, have a cellmate named Bubba with a huge dick and no vaseline. It is definately his time to receive instead of give..

You know the drill....


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