8:50 p.m. 2003-11-09
The Bitch says: Godzilla will save us.

On Sundays I have to go to work at 6am. It's not because I have to be there at that time but, my ride does so I take the trusty algebra book and play catch-up on my homework until 7:30 when I can clock in. There are some seriously strange things on TV at 4:30 in the morning.
Take for instance this morning. I am a sci-fi channel fanatic. I love it when I'm off during the week for no other reason than Dark Shadows is on at 9am and I get to watch it. I know, I need to get a life but, that's the way it is. No life till I'm out of school....possibly when I'm 90.
Anyway, this morning they had one of those really strange Japanese monster movies. You know, the ones they made before they got started with amine...yes, I know it's spelled wrong. Diaryland needs spellcheck.
There was the little boy who knows that Godzilla is going to save them. He has total faith in that big green scaley lizard thing. There is the current "bad" monster...in this case, Headra.....who was pouring black runny shit-looking stuff from his body that burned everything. He also has this laser type thing that shoots from his eye and burns your eyes out.
The little boy and his beautiful older sister.....little Japanese boys never have parents just beautiful older sisters.....are out near the ocean with a bunch of other people calling Godzilla. Of course, Headra is coming too and of course they will meet in the same spot that the people are in. Godzilla comes out of the ocean, Headra flies in from another destroyed place and they begin their fight to the death. The people are still there watching, throwing sticks at Headra......like they really think the sticks will defeat him. Headra gets Godzilla down and starts pumping out the black, tarry, oozing shit to cover Godzilla.

Ok, I have to leave for work now but I know exactly what is going to happen. Godzilla is going to rise up and defeat Headra, just like Mothra, the kind of octopus looking one with a pointy head, and several others.
I think they even use alot of the people in the crowd in all Godzilla movies. I keep thinking "How stupid are you? The damm monsters are gonna fight and you stand there to watch." Maybe they have some kind of betting on the fight. Who is going to fall first? How many times will Godzilla fall before his super-power will kick in and he will save "his" people?
My problem is who made Godzilla the "good" guy? Was it inherited? Was there a Godzilla Senior and this one is Godzill Junior? Why does he always respond to a little boy? And, the best one, why do the Japanese have such an influx of weird, ugly monsters?
This was one of those mornings where I should have watched CNBC and got my laughs from Bush making one of his asinine statements about keeping the peace in Iraq and demanding that Iran turn over their weapons of mass destruction.
Ok, enough. You know the drill.


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