3:41 p.m. 2003-09-06
The Bitch says: A Tribute to A Special Person

This is going to be another one of those tribute pages but with a twist.

Around the beginning of August we had a patient in our rehab facility who was different from our normal older patients. He was 36 yrs old and had been hit by a car. In his words: I was hit by a nice man with a big car and really great insurance.

Rubio was a gay transvestite who performed under the name of Reyna. He was a great person, always upbeat.....even in unbelievable pain. He got along with everyone and could always joke the sourest resident into a smile. He didn't flaunt his sexuality but didn't hide it either. To see him in our facility, with a 2-day growth of beard, you would never see Reyna. But, he had several large pictures and an album in his room that he shared with everyone. To see him in activities doing the little old ladies nails and makeup was awesome. Even our ultra-conservative people were charmed by him. One of our nurses brought her Jack Russel puppy, Lucy, to work every weekend and she became totally attached to her "Aunt Reyna". When Rubio was discharged Lucy came in the next weekend and went immediately to his room to look for him. You could tell that she was confused because he wasn't there.

Rubio was discharged around August 15 and was looking forward to his first show on Sept. 10. He was still wearing a leg brace which made it painful for him to wear the high heels he usually wore. But, he said that he would not disappoint all of those cute boys who came to see Reyna in all her glory. He would put up with the pain for a little while.

On Sept. 2 Rubio was killed instantly in a car crash. He was house sitting for a friend on the far east side. The crash happened when he ran into a road grader. As he was alone no one really knows the details of what happened. He was not drinking and driving.....we know that for sure.

Rubio gave his all for everyone and will be missed by all.

Rubio/Renya......there is a special place in the Goddess's hereafter for people like you.


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