11:38 p.m. 2003-09-03
The Bitch says: pain.........lots of pain

This is going to be a quick, I promised I'd try to update every day entry. I couldn't do it last nite cuz was way too medicated. So, surgery over......I'm great, right? NOT!!! The first day, yesterday, I was supposed to stay in bed. UMMMM.....nothing hurt so I got up alot. and, I mean alot. I am paying for it today......paying for it big time. When I got out of bed this am to go pee I couldn't walk. Well, I could walk if you consider hopping on one foot walking. Thank the Goddess I don't have diarrhea cuz I'd never make it to the bathroom in time. I've done an amazing amount of Vicodin today and it still feels like that scalpel is inside my knee.....twisting......slowly.

I finally decided I needed to check my email and my diary so here I am.....but not for long. My doc is really good but when an orthopedic doctor tells you you will have some discomfort......run......very fast.

I know that when it stops hurting I will be glad I had it done. Let's face it, it hurt all the time anyway.....not quite this much but, at least there is an end in sight for this pain.....I think.

So, going back to bed.........


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