10:09 p.m. 2003-07-29
The Bitch says: SCHOOL SHOCK

It's getting too close to that time.......school again. I went online tonight to check out what books I need and how much they cost. After being treated for my heart attack.....$283 for 3 classes for one semester. And, these are used books. Jenn(in the cast...my son's girlfriend...had the final say when she brought up the interesting idea that pretty soon I might not be able to buy used books.....so then the cost goes up. I just have to keep telling myself....I can do this, I need to do this, I must do this. Good thing I get pretty nice sized financial aid checks otherwise, tuition and books would make me have to get a second job and then I wouldn't have time to go to school.

And, in this glorious desert it rained for all of maybe an hour. But, it was still fun and really cool.

Well, you know the drill.........


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