12:13 a.m. 2003-06-25
The Bitch says: changes again

I think it might be time for a change. I'm going to look around for, or maybe create it myself, a new look for this tired diary. I'm gonna change the profile page, comments area, everything. And, I figure, as ambitious as I usually am, I will look..and look...and probably look some more. I won't find what I like. I'll play around and try to make my own. Nothing will show up right. I'll find some ordinary thing cuz it's different and stick that up for about 2 days and go back to the faerie I already have. And, in a couple of months, we'll go through the same thing all over again.

Got to share some awesome news. I submitted my first draft for a paper in my writing class Sunday. You figure first draft, get instructor feedback, get 4 student feedbacks, and then 3 days to revise it..............due on Saturday the 28th. I got feedback alright. My instructor said she wasn't going to have me revise anything and wanted permission to send it to some students that were having problems so they could see how it is supposed to be done. And gave me a 198 out of 200 on first draft!!!! I keep having to control this evil thought that wants to send the email and my paper to that cold bitch I had for Writing 101...you know, the one who was taking great pride in trashing my papers that I wrote along with my ego, self-esteem and anything else she could find and then had nerve to give me a B as my final grade. I think the bitch is crazy.

Guess I'll go looking around for something for this diary. Have a good one!!


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