10:20 p.m. 2004-07-01
The Bitch says: Bush vs. bin Laden

As you might have noticed....I changed my diary today. This is the first time I didn't look around for a month all the while saying I'm changing it...LOL. Got my older page working but, when you click on the cast or rings or any of the older pages it still shows my old template....can't figure out why so...I emailed the dland staff.....that's what they get paid for, right???

And, on the political front.......you didn't really think I's skip that did you? According to a poll done by the Pew Research Center headed up by Madeliene Albright (ex-secretary of state), in the countries of Pakistan, Jordan, and Morocco bin Laden is more popular than Bush. And, Bush thought Jordan was his friend. There were 8000 people polled in several countries including US. Opposition to Bush has hit 96% in Jordan and 57% in Britian. Pakistan, Jordan, Morocco, and Turkey say the invasion of Iraq was all about control of the Middle East oil and domination of the world.....you think? Russia, France and Germany say we invaded because of the oil.

Sounds like the peoples of the world have lost most of the respect they used to have for our country....they aren't alone....a lot of people here have lost respect too. Bush thinks that giving sovreignity to Iraq early will help him in the election......it is sovreignity in name only and most people realize that. But, there are those die-hard my country my president no matter what people who will be there for him. We could bury them along with him....LOL

Short entry...have to go.

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