10:14 p.m. 2004-09-27
The Bitch says: messages from Spanish Hell

I am sending a message from Spanish hell.......SAVE ME!!! Only playing but, of course, everyone knows how I feel about Spanish.
And, on the political front......I'm not sure....maybe I'll get myself put under survelliance for the expected election day terrorism.......hummm. Oh well, if they aren't watching me yet what the hell. Extremely interesting stuff in the newspaper Sunday....sorry, late...was in Spanish hell. We're hitting that damm terror network in Fallujah again. But, funny thing, we hit the "known terrorism areas" but the picture accompanying the article showed a man carrying a 10 year old boy who had been injured. Those 10 year old terrorists are pretty dangerous you know. I was reading somewhere that Iraqis are incredibly happy that we are there giving them more freedom, more services like electricity and all that. I guess I just keep reading the info from the wrong people. They say that freedom is a joke and they have less electricity, clean water, access to food, etc. than they did before the "liberation" by the US led armies. It must be wrong info from those 10 year old terrorists that I'm getting.
There was a man, ret. Marine, in Tucson that died last week from one of the two cancers he had going....a leftover present from the Viet Nam era....Agent Orange. The gift that keeps on killing.....this generation will have the depleted uranium gift to screw their bodies and mess up their DNA. The government is just so incredibly generous with it's gifts. >br> Back to the Spanish Hell.........

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