10:02 p.m. 2004-10-09
The Bitch says: no backbone

There is this girl.....I'm trying to be polite here...who, at one time said I was her friend, that even though there were issues between my son and his g/f they didn't concern her and she wouldn't take sides. I found out in a roundabout way....read a diary.....that she feels that our fire was a fake and she wants proof. First of all, who the hell does she think she is to want proof of anything. Second, what a lying little bitch. I emailed her a few times and she didn't answer so, in an online game, I asked her why she didn't answer. She said she didn't receive them....bullshit. If you have a problem with me bring it to me. Don't try to act like nothing is wrong to my face....or computer in this case......and talk shit behind my back. Pretty fucked up I think.

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