9:17 p.m. 2003-11-19
The Bitch says: do not do it

I knew there was something else I needed to say. I have been having this obsession about the little "Click me" thingee over there to the left. I was saddened by the fact that no one was clicking it and I wasn't anywhere on the list. But, I went to the click list, looked at the ones in the top, and I decided that I was better off not being there. I'm not bisexual or gay; I'm not a psychopath; I'm not obsessed with sex; I don't feel the need to talk on and on about my dark side; I would be too boring cuz I'm kind of normal in most ways. So, never mind. Don't bother to click it cuz I really don't care anymore.

Luv to all

I'm Gone

kiss | this

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