9:33 p.m. 2003-08-24
The Bitch says: the pringle story

I have been on this Pringle's kick for a couple of months now. Just the original flavor. Nothing special....just plain old Pringles. They advertise all over the tv that their advantage over other potato chips is the fact that they aren't broken. Little tiny crumbled up potato chips don't fit in the new, improved Moonshadow who needs all of this order and neatness and all of that stuff. The Pringles fit in really well. I could put a few on the lid of the can and eat them while I was playing Legend of the Dragoons or doing homework.......really they were nice and neat to eat anytime whatever I was doing. No more!!! For about a month I've been getting all broken up chips. My Pringles have revolted against me. Have you ever tried to get broken up Pringles out of the can without pouring them all over the place? Well, enough is enough. I went to the Pringles web site and complained. I wrote out my problem about broken Pringles and false advertising and submited it. They came back with a couple of answere to popular questions that might resolve my problem. Asking your local store to carry Cool Ranch Pringles does nothing for me. There were a couple of others just as stupid so I clicked no and went from there. They got more information from me so they can send me cool free stuff to advertise their product. I don't want to advertise their product......I want to have non-broken Pringles. It struck me as rather funny that Sunchips (harvest chedder) comes in a bag and none of the ones in the bag that I have are broken but I have half of a can of Pringles in front of me that looks like it came through tornado. Maybe if Pringles came in a bag they would stay more intact.

Have a good one!


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