4:33 p.m. 2003-07-16
The Bitch says: Redone

If you can believe this crap.......I just wrote this super long entry about my soc final and Stevie and this template and Freakin AOL disconnected and lost the entry totally. Let's see if I can reconstruct it.......maybe.

I have finished my soc essays for my final actually a whole day early. YAY me. This is absolutely unusual for me.

This template kind of gets on my nerves cuz the background is white and I hate white backgrounds. But, the cat looks exactly like Stevie...minus the collar. Stevie would never consent to having a collar around her royal neck. She remembers that Egytians worshipped cats as gods and she is the Goddess Bast personafied or is that catified? She was great last weekend though. The migraine from hell hit and she stayed by my side all weekend. She left to eat, go potty, and do her inspection of the house. She tours the house (apartment.........small apartment) at least once a day to make sure everything is where it is supposed to be. She has a problem with David and Jen being here. She loves them but she likes the bedroom door to be open at nite and now it's closed. That does not make the Empress happy at all. Well, Jen is working and they'll be getting their own place soon so she can have the door open then.

Got to finish my term paper revision......due Saturday. Then I get a 2 week break before classes start again. So


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