4:28 a.m. 2003-04-05
The Bitch says: STRESS, WAR, WRITING

Well, been gold for a few days now and still haven't done anything with this diary. Well, I'll get to it one of these days. Still messing with the writing. It seems like no matter what or how I write that cow still has a problem with it. We have to do 4 or 5 small pieces plus our main paper every two weeks. Plus the other classes I take, work, maybe sleep and have some kind of life. Actually, I haven't slept at night in quite awhile now. Writing is bringing out the vampire in me.

Now, we have to write a persuasion piece. And some other freewriting stuff and a research paper......all due next Friday. I've got 2 of the small ones done. But, that's way ahead from what I usually have one week before it's due. Oh well, this one out of the way, one more to do and I'm done with her. I'm doing the 102 class this summer but made sure she is no where on there.

Stress level is way up because of the writing but maybe more because of the Iraq thing. I think that is all that's been on my tv since it started. It's like an addiction. I keep saying I'm not watching anymore and then I turn it on. Even if all I do is listen. I just keep thinking.....WHO THE HELL DO WE THINK WE ARE?.....I feel bad for the soldiers over there. I really can't believe that all of them just want to waste an Iraqui as one said. And the poor people of Iraq. Can you sit on a ship in the Gulf, shoot off a missle, and make sure it only hits the building and not some little kid standing next to it. But, Big Brother Bush is doing his thing. Daddy couldn't do it so he wants to make sure we all know he's better than his daddy. We play I'm Better Than You with people's lives and think nothing about it.

Stress, no sleep, crazy writing class, and war..........That's been my life since I updated. How about you? Got to go to work in a couple of hours so......



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