6:22 a.m. 2004-07-16
The Bitch says: it came from hell

I may have said this before but.....I HATE TO MOVE!! This move had to be the move from hell. Since we were only changing apartments and not moving across town we decided to not get a truck. We could do it without one. Mistake #1. It took almost a week and it was a mess. Now, I have boxes and bags and whatever all over our new apartment and I have no idea when they'll get unpacked. And, what's even better, I don't even care. Like David said: We can take 4 years if we want to. Well, maybe we will. I have scrubs and underwear to wear to work on Saturday so, who cares?
I'm trying to figure out how all of this stuff fit into that way smaller apartment. It looks like we moved a 3 bedroom house instead of a 1 bedroom apartment. And, Stevie is just wandering around trying to figure out when her slaves are going to get up off their dead asses and take care of the stuff in her way.
On the bright side, I added 2 pages to my sinfully neglected website. Yea, Me!
Sorry for the shortness but, I can't find my bed. I think I may need it before I go back to work on Saturday....LOL. Maybe!!

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